
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

CD exchange – Vox

Posted on | June 16, 2007 | 2 Comments

The next CD to go out was mine, titled is “You Are Here”
I am going to preface this by saying that my list for this theme was originally about 6 CDs worth, really hard for me to cut it down. You all are lucky you didn’t get the boxed set ๐Ÿ˜‰
I ended up limiting the choices to (mostly) cities or states in the US, and I tried to arrange them in road trip fashion. Somehow, I left the west coast off entirely. Heck, I left Arizona off. Three New York songs, though Oh well, hindsight.

  1. The Road Not Taken ~ Robert Frost – This was added after I got the whole ‘trip’ put together. It just seemed to fit.
  2. Here, There and Everywhere ~ Celine Dion – Trying, again, to set the theme. Should have left the space for a place song, but I am a sucker for Beatles music. I’ve always loved this one
  3. New York City ~ Norah Jones – Norah has such a cool vibe, and I thought this may not be quite as familiar as her other songs. From a CD released by a quartet she performed with prior to ‘making it’.
  4. Broadway ~ Alison Krauss – Almost went with the George Benson song here, he is such a great guitarist. However, I decided you were less likely to have heard this one. She has such a sweet voice.
  5. Manhattan ~ Rosemary Clooney – I have about 4 versions of this song, so I had a hard time choosing. It came down to this one and the version by Blossom Dearie. I thought Blossom might be less familiar to you, and I always like introducing people to my favorites, but ultimately, for this song, I decided the Rosemary Clooney version was simply superior.
  6. Philadelphia ~ Lea Delaria – One of my favorite chick singers. This is from her collection of jazzified covers of modern songs called “Double Standards“. Great CD.
  7. Ohio ~ Over The Rhine – I just found this group recently, though they have been around for more than a decade. Better late than never….
  8. Chicago ~ Frank Sinatra – Ol’ Blue Eyes. Swoon. Even on this cheesy number.
  9. Colorado ~ Sons of the Desert – I had a hard time choosing between two Sons of the Desert geographical songs, so I included them both. Sorry. I was just in a country music mood I guess.
  10. Leaving las Vegas ~ Original Soundtrack – Why? Why not? ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. Albuquerque ~ Sons of the Desert – More SOTD. D introduced me to this group, I found their CDs on Amazon for $.50 each. Great buy.
  12. Dallas ~ Original Soundtrack – I have already heard that this song made at least one person cringe. It was this one or “Beverly Hills 90210”, I though this one was less annoying, though I could have reached the west coast with the other.
  13. Sweet Home Alabama ~ Lynyrd Skynyrd – Had to be on here.
  14. Georgia ~ Carolyn Dawn Johnson – Not the version of “Georgia” you are expecting, this one gives me extra by mentioning Alabama, Mississippi & Louisiana, as well. Oh, and California! I did make it to the Pacific…sort of.
  15. East Asheville Hardware ~ David Wilcox – This one makes me grin and does mention a city, so there you go.
  16. Tennessee ~ The Wreckers – Loving The Wreckers, too. I had 5 or 6 songs called Tennessee – popular state for songwriters. This one just hit me the right way when I was selecting.
  17. Home ~ Chris Daughtry – Yeah, you’ve all heard it on Idol. But it’s good. And it fits. It was either this one or the Michael Buble song, I just thought the Daughtry one was more interesting – and you all know how I love Michael Buble ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. Back In Your Own Backyard ~ Nancy Wilson – I think this one really captures how I was feeling when I was wrapping this one up. We spend so much time searching ‘out there’ for happiness, when all the while it may be staring you in the face.
  19. America the Beautiful ~ Martin Sexton – I like this version, though I am sad to say it is the only vocal version I have.
  20. America ~ Michele Horsefield, Gary Carney – This is from a recording by a couple of jazzers who “retired” here in Phoenix – they continued quite actively in the musical community. I posted about Michelle’s very hip funeral here. This is on her album, but she isn’t singing on this cut.
  21. How Did You Find Me Here? ~ David Wilcox – One of his more spiritual songs is the bonus track here. No matter where you go, you’re never alone.

Since I no longer feature the RadioBlog on this site, I tried to create a playlist for this collection. A few of the songs were not to be found on YouTube, so I may have to upload a version myself. Here is the not-quite-complete playlist:

UPDATE: See Lori’s review.

~ Listen ~


2 Responses to “CD exchange – Vox”

  1. Lori
    June 21st, 2007 @ 5:00 pm

    I’m loving this CD Vox. I’ve been playing this one in my car.

  2. Thomas
    June 25th, 2007 @ 9:05 am

    Take a few days off next week before the 4th, so I intend to put the reviiews and get my tracks togethers and mailed out then, if not sooner.